Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Exploration of Womanhood in All About My Mother Essay Example for Free

The Exploration of Womanhood in All About My Mother Essay In his critically acclaimed 1999 character-driven drama film All About My Mother (1999); writer-director Pedro Almodovar cements his reputation as an expert on the complexities and intricacies of womanhood. The film features several complex and multi-layered female characters that are portrayed with great emotional depth. Throughout the course of the film, these characters are forced to struggle with impediments such as loss, betrayal and societal prejudice. Yet, in the end, they triumph over these obstacles and take control of their lives. The protagonist of the film, Manuela, suffers the loss of her son, Esteban, early in the film and is prompted to go on a journey to Barcelona, where she meets other women who are dealing with their own issues in life. Through the events that take place in Manuela’s life and the relationships she forms with these other female characters following Esteban’s sudden and tragic death, the film explores the trials and tribulations women universally face and the various ways in which they cope and deal with these ordeals. The film also pays homage to two of the most influential representations of female characters in cinematic history: All About Eve (1950) and A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). The plot structure of the film serves to outline the various stages that take place in Manuela’s life at the wake of Esteban’s death, and, by extension, exposes the anatomy of how one in general deals with loss and tragedy. The film follows a linear plot structure that begins right before the death of Esteban and ends a few years later, when Manuela manages to overcome the tragedy. During the exposition, the character of Esteban and his relationship with his mother are introduced and built up. This contributes to the great shock and sympathy the audience feels when he unexpectedly dies in a car accident immediately after. The exposition also addresses the issue of suffering the loss of a loved one through sequences involving the reactions of the family members of recently demised individuals. Manuela’s subsequent journey to Barcelona signifies her immediate reaction to delve into the past and inability to move on in her life. Her goal is to locate Esteban’ s father and inform him of his death. However, upon reaching there, she appears to begin the process of forgetting her sorrows and beginning a new life. When she returns on the same train to Madrid, her priorities shift to her new adopted son, also named Esteban. In the concluding segments of the film, frequent jumps in time are used to display how life begins to move faster once Manuela is no longer holding on to her loss. In the closing sequence, when Manuela visits Barcelona again, all the characters are shown to have overcome the struggles of their past and moved on in life. The structure of the narrative is quite unconventional and serves to explore the intricacies of the characters rather than present much action. Initially, the plot seems to be goal-driven and based on uncovering Manuela’s quest to find Lola – Esteban’s father. From the beginning of the movie, suspense is created about the father, when Esteban repeatedly inquires about him. However, as Manuela reaches Barcelona and her life gets intertwined with other women who are trying to cope with their own problems, the plot loses a sense of purpose a nd no longer has a clear direction. This lack of focus parallels Manuela’s state of mind. Manuela is in a period of self-discovery and does not have a specific goal in life at this point in the narrative. It also allows the film to freely explore the lives of these different women and achieve a level of emotional depth into their characters, and the issues they face. The audience, however, is gradually made aware of Manuela’s past and her relationship with Lola. In addition, she does end up meeting Lola, even though her priorities have changed by this point. Manuela’s past is revealed to be full of betrayal and loss, which puts her struggle to overcome it during the course of the movie into context. It is the struggles and triumphs of the characters in the film, led by the protagonist Manuela, that drive the narrative and keep the audience engaged. The film employs a first-person point of view, as we witness the events of the plot through the eyes of Manuela. This provides an emotional connect between the audience and Manuela while she faces the loss of her son and endeavors to recover from it. During her train journeys between Madrid and Barcelona, Manuela’s inner thoughts are revealed though voice-over narrations. Each time she boards the train, she is at a different stage in her recovery process and her thoughts drastically change over time. The voice-overs help to reveal details from her past to the audience as well as her plans for the future. Although Manuela acts as the protagonist of the narrative, there are several peripheral characters in the film that help to move it forward. Upon reaching Barcelona, Manuela’s life is intertwined with many different female characters that are struggling with their own problems. As Manuela gets progressively more involved in the lives of these characters, she begins to leave her own sorrows behind. These characters also represent the different kinds of problems women face. Manuela, Agrado and Sister Rosa are linked by the fact that the same man, Lola, has adversely affected all three of their lives. Manuela also gets entangled in the lives of Huma and Nina, when she becomes their secretary. The wide variety of problems these women face includes betrayal, neglect, societal prejudice and drug addiction. The ways in which they each deal with these problems also differs. They also end up helping each other in different ways to get over their troubles. These characters represent every woman. They play the roles of mothers, sisters, lovers and friends. They also come from different backgrounds; a prostitute, a nun and an actress. With Manuela at the center, the relationships that develop and grow between these female characters changes the nature of the plot from a search for Esteban’s father to a celebration of womanhood. It also provides hope for the future, through the solidarity of their friendship. At one point, the plot becomes increasingly complex, with Manuela acting as a nurse to Sister Rosa, secretary to Huma and trying to get over her son’s loss all at the same time. Yet, the manner in which these inter-relationships are presented is seamless. The script includes several recurring motifs and cultural allusions that reinstate the challenges faced historically by women and suggest different mechanisms that they have used to cope with these hardships. It is often said that life and art have a reciprocal relationship; while art is usually based on life, life is in turn often influenced by art as well. This idea is highlighted throughout the script of All About My Mother (1999). In particular, two cinematic classics that deal with gender issues; All About Eve (1950) and A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), are strongly woven into the narrative of the film. In fact, the title of the film is a reference to the title All About Eve (1950). Moreover, Almodovar draws numerous parallels between his narrative and the plots of these two films. Manuela is forced to depend on the â€Å"kindness of strangers† on many occasions, just like Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). In addition, she acts as an understudy for the role of S tella, usually played by Nina, and ends up giving a stellar performance; similar to the way Eve steals the role of her idol Margo in All About Eve (1950). Long sequences with scenes from a television broadcast of All About Eve (1950) and enactments of A Streetcar Named Desire also make their way into the script. These works, through the characters of Eve Harrington, Blanche DuBois and Stella Kowalski, represent three diametrically opposite ways of dealing with the injustices faced by women. While Eve displays a ruthless ambition and drive to overcome the traditional prejudices of the theatre establishment against women actors, Blanche distorts her view of the world as a means of escape and Stella displays a submissive acceptance to the status quo tries to adapt with the harsh realities of traditional gender roles. The female characters of All About My Mother, and especially its protagonist Manuela, adopt all three of these different stances at different periods of time in the film. Sister Rosa, much like Stella, accepts her fate without questioning when when she contracts HIV. In contrast, Agrado shows great Eve-like courage when she attempts to take control of her life through plastic surgery and when she remains unaffected by the physical and psychological violence of her clients. Yet, there is a part of each of these fictional icons and their ideologies in all of these characters, and in every woman in general. Art in various forms, such as theatre and cinema, also acts as a structuring motif in the film. The concept of art and storytelling are touched upon through Esteban’s ambitions of becoming a writer, Manuela’s past as an actor and the productions of A Streetcar Named Desire starring Nina and Huma. The role of art as a source of inspiration for women and its power to influence their lives is encapsulated by Huma’s confession, â€Å"I started smoking because of Bette Davis†. Moreover, the potential of art to be used as a means of escapism is exhibited through Manuela’s repeated viewings of A Streetcar Named Desire after the death of Esteban. The idea of escapism as a means to cope with the harsh realities of life is further exemplified through Nina’s heroin addiction. One of the most important motifs presented by the script is the train that Manuela takes to travel between Madrid and Barcelona. Each time she travels in the train, she enters a new phase of her life. The train symbolizes her ability to leave the past behind and move on. Through All About My Mother (1999), Almodovar pays tribute to the female gender and its cultural icons. The film is a celebration of all that it means to be a woman. It is also reminiscent of the strong and influential female characters in film history. In fact, he expressly conveys these sentiments in the acknowledgments at the closing of the film, â€Å"To Bette Davis, Gena Rowlands, Romy Schneider. To all actresses who have played actresses, to all women who act, to men who act and become women, to all people who want to become mothers. To my mother.† By closely blending a unique plot structure, strong character building and the use of cultural allusions, Almodovar creates a film that is unconventional, yet , simple.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Essay --

Kelly Cowart 2-21-14 POLS 2301 Dr. Glazier Inequality in America Income inequality has been all over the news as of late and has been pushed to the forefront of the political sphere. Our president even made this issue a major part of his last state of the union address. It is no surprise to most Americans that income inequality is a very real thing that has been steadily increasing since the 1970’s. While the country has been making slow but steady progress on social inequalities, the income inequality has only grown. How can this be? We are one of the richest nations on this planet and the disparity between the rich and the poor is staggering. But is a measure of income inequality an accurate way to assess how well the country as a whole is doing? And is the income gap as bad as it looks on paper? Will an increase in the minimum wage help lift people out of poverty? There are several arguments to this and in this paper I will explore the issues surrounding income inequality and also add in the important factor of social mobility. When we think of income inequality we usually think of big corporations versus the rest of us. We do not typically think that small businesses contribute to this problem as well. But indeed this gap is present in all forms of business big and small because, let’s face it, most business models are based on the capitalist system. Business wants to get the most production for the least amount of cost to increase the profit margin. Most would agree that this is the way America works. This model is great in theory and in practice has obviously worked. But where does it put the workers? Are they able to sustain a living free from dependency on social programs while working for these businesses? Are the b... ...ion of the Affordable Care Act, health insurance for the working poor and the impoverished is now a welcome reality. There are solutions out there to help with the problem of income inequality. Education needs to be more affordable with more opportunity for students and advisors to search out public and private grants and scholarships to help offset the costs of a higher education. Reduction in tax breaks and increases in tax to the top earners would help bridge the income gap. Increases of credits such as the EITC to the working poor to help subsidize income would also help. And finally, political campaign finance reform would help give the poor a loud and relevant enough voice to be heard by all. There are myriad of solutions to the problem of income inequality and these are just a few ideas that could help change the course of this country and its economy.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

World Peace

21st the world is encouraged to recognize that day as a day of peace. I think it is quite easy for people to look at places around the world where there is clearly hostility going on, whether it be the Middle East, Africa, or inner cities in the United States, and think why can’t there simply be peace. To me peace is not about looking at places of hostility around the world and saying there must be peace there. Real peace around the world begins within you. Check inside and honestly answer the questions â€Å"Am I at peace within myself? â€Å"How do I express and encourage peace in my interactions with others? † Many people if they are honest are not at peace within themselves. They have allowed what is going on their physical world to disturb their peace. With their peace disturbed, they have either consciously or unconsciously disturbed the peace of those around them. I believe we must master peace within ourselves before we can hope to have authentic peace with anyone else. That is not to say that the two cannot be pursued simultaneously. There are wonderful organizations such as The Center For Non-Violent Communication, that can assist you in both recognizing the needs both within yourself and others so that you can have peaceful win/win conversations even in difficult circumstances. You can also make a conscious choice to release the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are responsible for disturbing your peace, and reprogram your subconscious mind to create peace in your life. In honor of International Peace Day 2009, I have created ten affirmations for personal peace within you, and ten affirmations for peace around the world. In a country, Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility. Peace isn’t the absence of violence but rather the presence of justice. In a society, peace happens when different desires are in one agreement. Peace is based on many things, culture, education, family values, experience, & history (to name a few) but the basis is the same—-to co-exist without war, killing, & overpowering a fellow being. According to me, Peace is the feeling that all's right with the world. When everyone around me in my family, my friend circle and my neighbourhood is happy, eager to love, accept and relate†¦ I feel at peace. Also, to me it means following what my heart says and sharing mutual trust and respect for people around me. However, in today’s world, peace and harmony face various threats. Terrorism, regional imbalance, economic disparity, and social inequality are some of the factors which threaten peace today. We all are so engrossed in our busy lifestyles and yet want our lives to be peaceful. We expect that peace to be omnipresent but what we need to realize is the fact that if we want peace- we have to live peacefully, love everyone, forgive, forget, etc. . It’s not enough to stand around asking if world peace will ever happen because that won’t do anything. Actions speak louder than any words. If everyone starts living the peaceful, loving way, things will change. But someone has to start and lead by example. Mahatma Gandhi once said â€Å"You must be the change you wish to see in the world. We can’t rely on anyone else to do this. We have to do these ourselves. Acceptance, compassion, and tolerance are the foundation of peace. Mahatma Gandhi showed that peace ends suffering and oppression, not by warring against an enemy but by bearing witness to wrongs and allowing sympathy and common humanity to do their patient work. Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa lived different aspects of peace, which was proven to be a viable way to achieve great things. A Human Approach to World Peace When we rise in the morning and listen to the radio or read the newspaper, we are confronted with the same sad news: violence, crime, wars, and disasters. I cannot recall a single day without a report of something terrible happening somewhere. Even in these modern times it is clear that one's precious life is not safe. No former generation has had to experience so much bad news as we face today; this constant awareness of fear and tension should make any sensitive and compassionate person question seriously the progress of our modern world. World peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or peoples. World peace is a Utopian idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. Although the term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility among all individuals, world peace more commonly refers to a permanent end to global and regional wars with future conflicts resolved through nonviolent means.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Video Games Assassin Simulations Essay - 1812 Words

Video Games: Assassin Simulations Video game violence has been a wildly debated topic since the beginnings of the industry. The topic evolved from the debate on media violence or violence in print media. However, the video game debate brings a new angle. Video games, because of their immersive nature, are said to have more impact on children. The proponents and opponents of video game censorship do not really fall into traditional political boundaries. The proponents of censorship tend to be some parents and doctors. Those opposed to censorship tend to be those who play the video games themselves. There is a center faction, however. The center faction consists of those doctors and psychologists who evaluate media violence on a†¦show more content†¦He starts his argument out with a pathos-loaded quote from a random video game player: Playing with all the violence options enabled, I shot off enemies legs. I shot off arms. I left chests and groins splattered with blood. Guts poked out of the hole I had drilled in an enemies midsection. Is this a war story being told by a traumatized veteran? No! Its a review from the New York Times on a new video game--Soldiers of Fortune. (Brody 1) Brody’s attempt at shock was very poorly done. He attempts to lure the reader into thinking he’s talking about some kind of battlefield, but botches it from the onset. He then presents to sets of facts, one which we must take his word on, and the other I know to be blatantly untrue. This may be my ethos over his, but I doubt anyone truly believes that â€Å"the core gaming audience is 8 to 14 year old males† (Brody 2). In the next couple of paragraphs he goes on a rampage, painting video games as more and more realistic killing simulators. Brody believes that every game should be politically correct, with correct gender stereotypes, no winners or losers, and no violence. Now, if someone was to buy his statement that most gamers are 8-14 year olds, these beliefs still would not hold water. What Brady is advocating is completely sheltering kids, and not exposing them to any of the realities of life. In addition, he totally ignores the rating system for games and c hooses the most violent titles he canShow MoreRelatedFabricated And Historically Accurate Elements Of Assassins Creed1804 Words   |  8 Pages Fabricated and Historically Accurate Elements of Assassins Creed II The Renaissance was a time period in Europe between the 13th and 17th centuries, it was a rich time for human development and overall improvement of life (Hay, 1). Whether it be through stunning architectural designs, improvements in medicine, or scientific inventions. Several objects from this time period were preserved due to the vast amount of information and historical relevance they provided, information such as that of LeonardoRead MoreArt Form for the Digital Age864 Words   |  4 Pagesgrowing game industry is said to be the most growing form of art in the economy today. The gaming industry has grown tremendously in the past century. It went from silent pong games to intense story plot and mind blowing real life graphics like Final Fantasy. Games are becoming more and more realistic, characters can talk, and blink, jump, wave and every part of the body moves like a real person can. Parental advisory is a big part of these games. In this new generation of video games, playersRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1081 Words   |  5 Pagesforms of content such as text, audio, video, animations, etc. making it attractive to consumers for engagement. YouTube for instance has more than 300 million users worldwide and out of those around 150 million users access YouTube at least once in a week. Facebook on the other side sees around 3.5 billion content getting posted on it every week. The use of social media platforms by potential buyers of any product is phenomenal. 1.1 Video Game Industry Video games can be divided into several categories